When the big moving day arrives, you will want to be as organized and pre-prepared as possible. Many tasks are best managed when your new home is vacant. Here is a moving checklist to help you navigate your move.
1. Since it is likely that the seller will turn off the utilities upon closing, contact the utility companies and have the utilities turned on in your name ahead of closing. Be sure to include setting up your Internet and cable services at the same time.
2. Make sure the vacant house has been cleaned to your standards. If not, hire a cleaning service if you don’t want to do it yourself. At an average cost of $150, you may want to leave it to a professional.
3. For closing day, arrange for a locksmith to come and change the locks. Often, the locksmith will only have to rekey the existing locksets at a reduced expense.
4. Any planned remodeling or renovations are best accomplished when the house is vacant. It is much easier than you having to live around construction debris.
5. If repairs need to be done, line up a handyman to get the work done right after you close.
6. Be aware of what safety items need to be in place prior to taking occupancy. Have a fire extinguisher for each level of the home. Ensure that the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order.
7. Prior to closing, have a walk-through with the seller or your home inspector so you can be familiar with the electrical service and water shutoff valves in an emergency. Get instructions on any other working systems of the home.
8. Have your mail forwarded and change your address profiles where needed.